Optics on Pistols Explained
Demystifying and hopefully answering some fund-isms surrounding the RMR on a pistol.
Demystifying and hopefully answering some fund-isms surrounding the RMR on a pistol.
Three hours outside of LA off of a barely traveled highway is High Desert in CA. Another mile plus into the desert in Apple Valley is the location of U.S. Optics Academy’s facility.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of markets and purposes behind less expensive optics. Maybe it’s you’re screwing off at the range rifle or maybe it’s your kid’s first rifle and he has no business with an expensive optic.
So one of the most common questions we get on the website and Facebook page is: “What is the best budget optic out there?” This is always a tough one, optics are everywhere and prices vary. We reviewed a Sightmark Reflex Sight a while back and we were impressed with the quality vs. price so we figured we would give their rifle scopes a try.
I opened up the standard Trijicon pelican type case and instantly had reservations. You see all the pics online and you read the specs, you expect this unicorn to come leaping out of the box and be everything you ever wanted when it arrives at your door. This was not the case with the SRS.
The Aimpoint T-1 Micro, you have seen it on rifles everywhere. You have seen it on the rifles of both high and low profile trainers and in videos. You have lusted over it and ogled it and maybe even said the words “someday.” I am here to tell you, believe the hype.
impoint is one of the most trusted names when it comes to optics and the Comp M4 is one of their heavyweights. Rugged, Sealed and simple with one of the longest battery lives on the market.
I love this thing. Plain and simple. I mocked it the first time I saw it and thought it was silly to have such a small reflex sight.
There is more to consider than just having the bullet hit what you’re aiming at. I have played around with a ton of sub-$300 optics and generally find that I’m sacrificing a lot when it comes to performance and usability.
Built on the same framework and quality our armed forces and LEOs have been known to swear by and trust, the XPS2-Z is everything the world has come to expect from an EOTech sight.