Gong Shot Steel Target Review
Gong Shot has created a few solutions for the problems I have had with steel in the past.
Gong Shot has created a few solutions for the problems I have had with steel in the past.
Once in a great while you find a product that makes you wonder why you didn’t think of it first. Something with style and a common use that intrigues you.
When I saw the C.A.T. M-4 tool, I was not quite sure what to think; until I used it.
“This is the shoe everyone is wearing for training classes and trail running etc…” is what I was told. There were more convincing statements made from a top notch salesman, but that one stuck.
There is a reason I am not an engineer. Several reasons actually. We don’t need to get into any details just know that I tend to be an “idea man” while the smarter people actually make it happen. But close your eyes and dream with me.
You start wondering if you are old when you can not only appreciate a good pair of pants, but want to write a review of them. This is my predicament.
So you have a gun, maybe even a couple of guns, you’ve taken a class, got your CCW and done some research on how to carry. You are well on your way to becoming a real badass mamma-jamma. You’ve got the moves, kid. Now it’s time to get the gear.
Who thinks about eye protection? Honestly, take a second and think. Do you just slap on some glasses you got from wally world and start blasting? Did you get some “totally sweet” sunglasses that you would look awesome in while shooting a gun?
You want to talk about training, talk to Mike Hughes. This guy has a training regime for everything. EVERYTHING. I mean, honestly, who has a training regimen for increasing hand speed McGuyver’ed from an exercise ball and a roll of tape? Mike Hughes does.
When it comes to the sub triple digit compensator/flash hider market, there is a LOT to sort through when you want something better than the birdcage that came on your new AR.
The newly built tactical range was empty at the club and we had Lou’s new AR drone, the camera work is a little shaky as Lou apparently hasn’t played enough video games. Let us know what you think and enjoy the video.
So we will start off with the good news and work our way towards the disappointments we encountered. Luckygunner.com was created with simplicity in mind. All ammo types are listed by Rifle, handgun, or shotgun, then organized from smallest to largest under each category.
Yet another simple rest from MontieGear. Just like the last review, I can fit the Montie Gear Precision Rest in my range bag so it is always with me when I need it.
We were curious about the 300BLK. Very curious, so much so that we really started looking at where to get one, get the best price for one and even then… how can we test one?
This is not what you think it is. You may have seen cool LOL pics from them, you may have seen some awesomely in shape guys and gals rocking this beverage after running a 30k marathon while simultaneously carrying 3 friends on their back while juggling sledgehammers.
I was searching for shotgun accessories. Mainly a collapsible butt stock for my Mossy since I fired that type of stock once and loved it. Or maybe the idea of it. Who knows, because in reality, I still really like a standard stock on any shotgun as well. But what I found with Mesa Tactical, I was instantly intrigued.
One of the most recognizable sounds in all the world of firearms, is the racking of a shotgun. The Mossberg 500 is also one of the most widely used shotguns in Law Enforcement and in the Armed Forces. I went and picked one up as my first shotgun and I have had a blast with it so far. But it hasn’t been without some growing pains.
Everyone has their own approach to creating sight-in stands. My main concerns for a piece of gear like this is that it is lightweight, durable and portable. Montie Designs has done a great job keeping these three attributes in mind when designing their Lightweight AR Rest.
So I have had my fair share of coffee over the years, probably enough to actually have my own villa in several small South American countries as a mere thanks for my patronage. I am not a buff by any means, but I like it dark, strong and in vast quantities.
I will fully admit that I have fallen victim to the shiny mentality. I was a little apprehensive about the JKL Mobile Gun Vise after taking it out of the packaging; it appeared to be just a pile of delrin rod and milled aluminum.